SYMPTOMS: Fever, dry cough, tiredness, upset stomach, headaches, and diarrhea. In the most severe cases, people with the virus can develop difficulty breathing, and may ultimately experience pneumonia and organ failure. Some cases are fatal.
The two main aspects of any contagious disease are to give your immune system what it needs: 1) Eating properly, and 2) taking homeopathic remedies as needed, depending on the symptoms.
Unfortunately, people do not take eating as seriously as they should; however, of all times to be eating properly and taking the proper supplements, NOW is the time.
Homeopathic remedies provide the body with the stimulation to repair, restore, and heal, and food/supplements provide the body with the nutrients to be able to do that repairing, restoring, and healing. You must do both.
EATING: Eat according to your blood type. The only two supplements you need are BIO-8 and CLO-3. Those two supplements cover all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and oils that are no longer in sufficient quantities in our food.
REMEDIES: The main remedies you will need to have on hand are: Aconitum, Arsenicum album, Baryta carbonica, Belladonna, Byronia, Causticum, Chamomilla, Graphites, Hepar sulph, Ignatia, Kali carbonica, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodenron, Sulphur.
Every one of the remedies depends on your specific individual symptoms. For instance, even with the above symptoms, whether you are thirsty or thirstless or whether you are better if cold or if warm makes a big difference in which remedy you need. Please do not guess at which remedy you may need.
My suggestion is to have these remedies available in 30C potency. Then when we find one that is appropriate for your specific symptoms, you should order 200C and 1M of that particular remedy or remedies. Of course having 200C…aka 200ck or ch…on hand in all the above remedies is an even better idea. Lots of rumblings about the FDA going after all homeopathic remedies…either putting them under prescription or forcing them off the market completely… so stocking up on remedies is a good idea in general. Homeopathic remedies do not expire.
If you prefer to take essential oils, then because of the strong aroma, homeopathic remedies will more than likely be antidoted. You cannot use or store homeopathic remedies around any strong aromas of any kind; also keep remedies away from anything magnetic, TVs, cell phones, computers, tablets, etc.
My suggestions are: 1) Eat only what agrees with you, and if you know your blood type, eat accordingly.
2) If you don’t know your blood type, now is the time to find out. You can find home blood type kits on the Internet for $10 or less.
3) Drink filtered/purified water, and if you like organic green tea, that is beneficial as well. It is not necessary to drink an excessive amount of water; just use your good judgment and let your body decide whether you are thirsty or not. During this time, I would not drink any soda pop of any kind.
4) Start taking my BIO-8 and CLO-3 religiously.
5) If you normally have an issue with constipation, start taking my PuriZone. You do not want to be constipated at any time much less during this time of Coronavirus contagion.
6) Know your normal temperature. Take your oral temperature today on an empty stomach and take it at that same time each day for a few days so you have an idea of the range of your temperature. One of the first symptoms of this particular virus is a rise in temperature. That way you will know if there is a possibility you have the virus.
7) Email me for a Questionnaire. I will evaluate your Questionnaire at no charge and let you know what you need to do for general protection. If I have your Questionnaire on file, then if/when you have any symptoms of coronavirus, I can let you know immediately what remedy you need because I will have your basic background.
One of the greatest advantages of Eating Right and Homeopathic Care is that no matter what virus, bacterium, or fungus you may have lurking in your system, the same protocol of eating and the appropriate remedy will apply. In other words, both the eating and the homeopathic care are all dependent on your specific symptoms because you are a unique individual; there is no one exactly like you…not even a twin.
Whatever questions you have, don’t hesitate to ask.
Pat McKay
Q: I heard this virus can be transmitted from human to animal. Do you believe this to be the case?
A: Unless this strain is totally different from the norm, no, our animals cannot get it from us. However, veterinary researchers have not said definitively one way or the other because no extensive studies have been done on this specific strain of Coronavirus. So the real answer is, no one knows. I'm just basing my opinion on other typical virus strains. Unfortunately this White House is trying to blame this virus on everything except scientific fact, so that's why we are hearing these "alternate facts."
Animals that get the animal strain most often don't even have enough symptoms to know they are ill, and/or if they do have symptoms, the symptoms come and go within 2 to 3 days. For some reason the Coronavirus for dogs just doesn't materialize into anything serious. In all my years of being involved with dogs, I've never had one ever be diagnosed with Coronavirus.
Having said all of the above, our dogs...not so much cats...more often than not take on the essence of any and all of our diseases in order to lessen the disease energy for us; dogs really believe that's their job. So a dog may appear to have some of the symptoms of Coronavirus, and yet if tested would not have the disease.
March 19 at 7:40 PM ·
Well, quite the social convulsion over this virus epidemic. We are all trying to figure out the best way to deal with it. Since I have been doing homeopathy as my primary work that is the approach that engages me the most. I have not had a friend or family member develop this so no personal experience with it but I did put together this piece to send the veterinarians that have studied homeopathy with me. If you are not familiar with it, the term “genus epidemicus” means that one homeopathic remedy has been identified as the one that almost all affected individuals will need during the epidemic. It is not the only remedy that can be used, but the one for the first or early stage of the condition, when first acquired.
For those of you that know something about homeopathy and have interest, here is the piece I sent out to my veterinary colleagues.
Dear Colleagues,
Many of you, concerned about this virus epidemic, have contacted me for advice. I was not able to respond with any specific advice as I did not have the details of cases to work from. However, now with more time, this is coming out.
Today there was an article in the Homeopathy for Everyone online journal, “Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection” which describes the symptoms of several cases. This is very useful as we can then, as Hahnemann tells us to do, combine the cases and look for the most characteristic symptoms.
The authors of the article suggest that the genus epidemicus is Camphora but it is obviously not as they are having to give it as Camphora 1M every 5 hours for days. If it were the genus epidemicus, one dose would be sufficient. If they are finding this necessary, then it is palliation. So let’s you and I look at it freshly.
I will not list all the symptoms here as not necessary. Many, as expected, are common ones of most infectious diseases and therefore of little value in identifying a remedy. What I will list here are the symptoms that were seen in most cases, with emphasis on those that will be characteristic.
Malaise; tired, wants to lie down
Soreness of body; aching
Dry cough; > lying
Dyspnea, especially on physical activity
Appetite decreased; nausea
Sense of smell increased
Skin sensitive to touch
This pattern is very much like what we call flu. Here is how the Free Medical Dictionary defines influenza.
“An acute infectious respiratory disease, caused by Influenza viruses, which are in the family Orthomyxoviridae, in which the inhaled virus attacks the respiratory epithelial cells of those susceptible and produces a catarrhal inflammation; characterized by sudden onset, chills, fever of short duration (3-4 days), severe prostration, headache, muscle aches, and a cough that usually is dry and may be followed by secondary bacterial infections that can last up to 10 days. The disease commonly occurs in epidemics, sometimes in pandemics, which develop quickly and spread rapidly; the mortality rate is usually low, but may rise in patients with secondary bacterial pneumonia, particularly in old people and those with underlying debilitating diseases; strain-specific immunity develops, but mutations in the virus are frequent, and such immunity usually does not affect antigenically different strains.”
We can recognize the similarity — the suddenness, affecting the respiratory system, fever, severe prostration, headache, muscle aches, dry cough.
This disease we call flu, used to be called “grippe” in the older medical terminology — in case you are looking for this disease in the older references.
We could start with the rubric for influenza.
Generalities; Influenza (27) : Acon., arn., Ars., bapt., bell., bry., camph., Caust., chel., chin., cimic., EUP-PER., gels., ip., MERC., NUX-V., phos., phyt., puls., Rhus-t., sabad., sang., sil., spig., squil., stict., verat-v.
We can see the most prominent remedies, which is a hint. But rather than start with this, let’s try analysis emphasizing the reported symptoms, especially giving importance to those most characteristic.
Using the Böenninghausen repertory — see analysis for “corona 1"
When I see a related pair as we do with Nux and Sepia, which are complementary remedies, it is often a very good guide. Nux being the acute remedy and Sepia the deeper, more chronic, remedy shows us how similar these remedy patterns are to this condition. Hahnemann tells us, in advising us as to the treatment of epidemics, that the genus epidemicus will be the same in all cases as they first begin to manifest but if the disease progresses or is addressed later then other remedies will be needed — such as Sepia.
In this next analysis I added in the rubric for influenza just to see if it changes anything.
See analysis “corona 2"
Arsenicum, the highest ranking remedy, but does not seem to fit the pattern described in the cases in a larger sense as we know that Arsenicum will be chilly, thirsty, anxious, restless, and we don’t see that in what is described.
We do see similarity to Nux in the reporting of “sense of smell increased; skin sensitive to touch.” Enhanced sensitity very characteristic of Nux. It also has the characteristic of moaning during the fever, a rubric with only 13 remedies in Kent’s repertory. So worth considering this remedy, wouldn’t you say?
From Hering's Guiding Symptoms, for Nux Vomica
“Typhoid fever, early period, vertigo, pressing headache, particularly in forehead, bitter taste, tongue generally moist and clean, pressure in epigastrium, little or no thirst, prostration in limbs, constipation, restless sleep, disturbed by dreams, alternate chilliness and heat, chilliness on slightest movement, dryness of front of mouth and tip of tongue, intolerance of impressions of external senses, great sensitiveness to open air, thirst, with aversion to water, strong desire to lie down and considerable relief on doing so.”
Note: We see here the headache, bitter taste (which some patients reported), prostration of body, strong desire to lie down.
Feeling as if bruised all over.
Sensation of heaviness of body, alternating with sensation of lightness.
General languor, inclination to sit or lie down and be alone.
Sudden failing of strength, great weariness, greater in morning after rising than in evening on going to bed.
On motion or exertion, constriction of chest and dyspnoea, must stand still, suffocative constriction of chest in evening on attempting to step into bed, must sleep sitting in a chair, very severe attack after midnight towards morning, cannot sit, severe dyspnoea, constriction and oppression of chest as of a heavy load, attacks last several hours, during which time he supports himself by leaning with hands upon table, slow, loud, whistling respiration, severe dry cough, shocks causing pain in head and abdomen, anxiety, sense of suffering throughout body, suffers from gastric troubles.
Note: This breathing difficulty is very characteristic of the epidemic, the symptom of most concern. Nux has this “difficulty breathing, worse with exertion” which is very significant.
There are other symptoms in Hering’s that match but this gives you an idea. You can read it for yourself if you are interested.
Am I then suggesting that Nux vomica is the genus epidemicus? Yes, that is what I am thinking. Mind you, I have not treated this or know of anyone using this remedy in treatment but this is how I work it up and therefore sharing with you. If any of you do find it of use, please let me know..
What about Sepia? It is the complementary remedy to Nux. Would it fit the cases? If you read it over in Hering you will find that it does match, especially as to respiratory symptoms — even extending to pneumonia as a possibility. It has the difficulty breathing and many expressions of severe cough. It is even in the rubric for “cough better lying down.” It has the fever and most of the other symptoms we are considering, so no wonder that it comes up high in our analysis.
Considering this, I can see it very possible that a coronavirus case could develop into a Sepia state if not treated with Nux in time to prevent this.
The experience of Hahnemann, Kent, and the many practitioners that dealt with epidemics show us that there is one remedy, perhaps two, that will be the genus epidemicus. This is because the essence (the wesen) of the epidemic is the same for all affected. This distinguishes it from the usual illness which is unique to each individual. Historically, the remedies found appropriate are common ones to our work and it fits into the possibility that Nux vomica is the one we need. In any case, let us hope that this problem will be easily solved by homeopathy with the added advantage of, one again, showing how effective homeopathy is in epidemics.
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